In 2002,
Operation Warm was founded to counter one of the most unfathomable hardships of childhood poverty; the lack of adequate winter clothing. By necessity, families struggling to survive prioritize food, heat, and rent above winter clothing resulting in frequent absenteeism from school. This translates not only to forgone learning but also missed opportunities for socialization, play, and balanced nutrition provided through the Federal Free and Reduced Meal Program. School attendance is as important as warmth because through education, upcoming generations will become productive, hopeful, and enterprising.
The Duluth Firefighters have teamed up with Operation Warm to raise money for the cause by setting up camp in the Minnesota Power Plaza in downtown Duluth. To give them some comfort throughout the day and night (They have been there 24/7 since Monday)
Loll has setup a comfy fire pit area for them to gather around.
To get the community involved, there will be entertainment and food to partake in. View the schedule of events by
clicking here.

Griffin Benson (the son of Loll's founder and CEO, Greg Benson) is also raising money for the cause by sleeping outside this week! That is no easy feat as temperatures in Duluth have dropped below freezing. Nice work, Griffin!