If you call our customer service line, there’s a chance the voice on the other end may be that of Connie Haugen. Connie has been a customer service representative with us for 6 months and has been an incredibly welcome addition to our sales team.
We thought it was about time we feature her awesomeness on our blog.
Meet Connie Haugen
What is your favorite Loll product and why?
Having lived many of my formative years during the 80s, I would have to say the
Norm Outdoor Bar Stool and the
Cliff Outdoor Bar Stool. The naming scheme is nostalgic, and the fact the Norm is round and Cliff is the square appeals to my juvenile sense of humor.
Describe an ideal day of lollygagging.
Truly passive lollygagging is a mere pipedream when you have kids.

I try to participate in active lollygagging. Ideally, that’s a long trail run, which is intermixed with lots of photo taking, investigating animal signs (scat and sounds), and birding by ear.

If I could follow that up with a sunset paddle on a calm Boundary Waters lake – and then a cold local brew – I would be in Lollygagger Heaven.
What is your favorite part about working for Loll?
Loll is a growing company with so much potential. I wanted to work here because it is an
environmentally conscious company, which aligns with my values. All employees are empowered to play a role in working to reduce the environmental impact of the company. There is a lot of potential for Loll to inform and educate other businesses and individuals on how to make sustainable business – and consumer – choices. Oh yeah, then there’s all the kick-ass
products that we make … that’s pretty awesome too!
If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
Unexplainable Stories by Cloud Cult. The majority of it is calm, laid-back and mysterious. It has few words. It grows in intensity and gets better as it goes. Then it ends abruptly; yet peacefully.
What’s the best advice you ever been given?
“If it’s fun, do it.” Given to me by my son, Sam, when he was about 6.
Tell us a random fact about you.
I can do a really good barred owl call.
What is your favorite kind of sandwich?
Pretty much anything from Duluth-based
Northern Waters Smokehaus.
We love having Connie on our team! In fact, if I were you, I’d call Loll’s
customer service line just to talk to this chica.