This year’s Clean Yer Creek marked Loll's 10th year of tree planting! It’s been exciting to see this event evolve and grow from a small Loll employee event to the involvement of nearly two dozen other businesses. On May 20th nearly 130 volunteers helped with the annual tree planting. The tree planting has also grown to include trash collection, and this year 6,000+ lbs of trash were carried out of Keene, Chester and Miller creek.
Hammertree Farm generously donated 30 sizable trees, which were a mix of Spruce, White Pine, and Red Pine. These trees ranging from 7-12 feet tall were planted along the riverbeds of the creeks. Volunteers also hiked up and down these creeks, hauling out heavy trash bags, tires, shopping carts, etc.
This annual event is greatly important to us, and our team looks forward to getting their hands dirty every spring in order to protect our local watersheds and our much-loved Lake Superior. Volunteers gathered at Bent Paddle Taproom following the cleanup, where Duluth Mayor, Emily Larson toasted their efforts and spoke about the importance of community in protecting our local ecosystems.
Abandoned Waste Chester Creek: 1440 lbs Miller Creek: 2620 lbs Keene Creek: 2080 lbs
Tires Chester Creek: 4 Miller Creek: 22 Keene Creek: 4
Misc Chester Creek: 1 needle, 2 mattresses Miller Creek: 6 needles, 1 bike Keene Creek: 1 elliptical, 1 bike, 1 tv, 3 pieces of scrap metal