Here’s a look at some of the stuff that’s been happening around here the last month:
In December 2012, Congdon school was awarded a School Garden & Food Literacy Grant through the Duluth Community Garden as part of a Community Transformation Grant from the Statewide Health Improvement Program. Gardens provide great avenues for education on healthy lifestyles and the prevention of obesity and obesity-related diseases. Gardens are also living laboratories, offering hands-on experiences tied to Minnesota State Standards. A school garden committee consisting of teachers, the principal and Environmental Concerns members developed the Garden Vision & Mission.
Loll was happy (and pumped) to contribute the raised garden beds and some of us lollygaggers spent a weekend helping to get them started. Here’s a link to a video which shows how it all went down!
A big thanks to Metropolis Magazine and Men’s Health Journal for featuring our furniture as not only good lookin’, but comfortable and stylish. We have to agree with them…
And lastly the country is being hit a by a super heat waaaaaaaave. After months of chilly, wet weather, Duluth is frying. Let’s not forget that the Loll HQ is in a big black box with no AC so we are trying to find ways to keep cool and carry on. Owners Greg, Dave, and Tony are seen above taking a break to enjoy some good old fashion popsicles… Looks like Greg grabbed the last one! Oh, brotherly love.